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Resolutions... Here's to 2013

I believe 2013 is going to be a big one for me. It has to be!

All the changes I wish...
All the things I want to do...
All the places I want to visit..
I promise myself to fulfill a few!

Here goes the list.

 1. My blog is a new blog in town. Will make it fun and a huge success.

2. Will try loads of DIY. I love them but I have been sooo lazy lately.

3. Will dare to wear white and yellow. I still haven't managed that.

4. Will eat a lot healthier and stay fit. I now know it feels  great. I have fallen in love with the morning walks.
5.  Learn to ride bike. I have to do this in 2013 at any cost. May be a bet or challenge might help me achieve this one.       
6. Click click click away. Be behind the camera as much as I am in front of it. 

7. Make use of all the awesome stationary I keep on collecting. You should see all the cute stuff my closet is filled with!!     
8. Work religiously without being lazy. That's a big task for me!

9. Learn Belly Dancing. Classes or Youtube... it has to happen!  

10. Spread love and crib less. Many of us should resolve for this one. 

So now that I have publicly announced my resolutions for IFB there are more chances of me keeping them. 

Waiting for 2013.


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  1. Good luck with all these. It's one of my new year's resolutions to learn to belly dance too. I love your blog <3
