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Things that rocked my week... Jan 6

1. At the end of the year, couple of days away from city in peace was all that I needed. Visiting lavish restaurants and then just chilling with friends at our place. One night was absolutely awesome, it was when we visited Ajanta resort. Situated on a small hill, surrounded by grasslands and all lighted up with tiny sparkly lights.

2. We bid 2012 goodbye on a lake. Watching the last sunset was an intense moment.

3. Mr. S pleasantly surprised me with this crystal diamond at the stroke of the midnight. My first gift of 2013, that too in the hue of emerald, which is the Pantone color of 2013. That's definitely some sign.

4. My first book of 2013 is 'Girl with a Pearl Earing'. Read a few pages and so far so good!

5. Finally watched the movie Life of Pi. And the animal lover in me really liked the movie. I really wished Richard Parker had looked back once before leaving Pi.

6. Weather in Mumbai is pleasantly cold for a change. I enjoyed a cold and breezy evening at this cafe which made me feel that I am sipping coffee in a French Cafe. I fell in love with this setting right away.

7.  Had to design the Facebook cover for The Style Cocktail since long and I had been procrastinating it. Finally designed and it is up!! 

8. I was surprised to see some interesting wall art in a nearby Chinese Food joint. I was always intrigued by wall art and plan to try it some day soon.

All in all an eventful and awesome first week!
Hope you all had an amazing week too.


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