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{ Declutter with BoxMySpace }

My love hate relationship with Bombay is never ending.
But I mostly try to focus on the Love part... mostly.
But sometimes I can't help but long for spacious, neat and clean space that I can call my own.
Well that ain't happening anytime soon, so like majority of us in this city, I continue to live in the cramped room of mine.
And being hoarder of things and a blogger, I must confess I do own too many things.
Things which I don't even look at for months, but they are lying around none the less.
Until I came across BoxMySpace...
Before: No leg space, uncomfortable desk scene.
After: My feet and back are happy. :)

What is BoxMySpace?
It is a unique storage solution, that helps you make space in your urban life.
They help people declutter their home and office space by providing a clean and reliable storage option. So if you have a cluttered house or moving out and need storage space for your furnitures, they are there to help you out! 

The USP of their service being, anytime you need anything back from the storage, they deliver it within 24-48 hours. Your personal storage at your doorsteps!

So I decided to pack away all my things which I won't be needing till winter.
My leather bags, warm woolen clothes and also few books that I don't feel like giving away.
I have been storing these things under my desk, which left no leg space and made working really uncomfortable. The space under my bed is over loaded with plastic bags with so much stuff, that it get's difficult to access anything at given point of time.

I Boxed my stuff in a  2ft X 1.5ft X 1ft box (Length X Breadth X Height in inches).
And now it is on it's way to the storage facility.

BoxMySpace delivers high quality plastic storage boxes at your doorsteps. Now, all you need to do is pack and store your things in the boxes. They also have an option of bigger spaces (not boxes) to store your things.

They provide the delivery of the boxes and also get your things back whenever you need them in 24 hours time.

What's the cost you ask?
It's Rs. 69 per box per month. And for the space its Rs. 599/month for the 4ft space plan and Rs. 1499/month for the 6ft space plan. (Billed Annually)
They also have special deals for students as well as for offices.

I quite liked the whole concept.
And my room has a breathing space now. :)

You guys should definitely check it out!
You can follow them on Facebook & Twitter.
I nominate other crazy collector of things to try out BoxMySpace.
Gauri & Aditi... are you listening? ;)

Do connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. Hope to see you there.
I am on Instagram too. Having lot of fun with daily photos.
Do follow me there. :)

You can also check out my Youtube channel.

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