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Denimize with Love.

Memories as warm and sweet as hot chocolate are wrapped in this denim jacket gifted by my Mom when I was still in college.

 Stepping out into the new world all by yourself ain't easy. But somethings are always there with us that holds us, holds us to the past. Some of these things are conversations, experiences or those priceless items in our closet. Like this denim jacket! 

Paired it up with my favorite box clutch and boots! And the those 'kisses earrings' adding some fresh charm to the look. :) 

Denim Jacke : Gift | Skirt: Max
Box clutch: Eye Candy | Boots: Catwalk | Earring: Ayesha 

Do connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. Hope to see you there.

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Do follow me there. 

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