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{ Add Some Sparkle }

October hasn't been the best to me by far. But then it's this, The Style Cocktail that keeps me going. And also keeps me busy on weekends. :P 
But then I ain't complaining! I enjoy every bit of it, also the part when I have to work on Weekends.

So to add some sparkle to my dull mood I decided that it's time for some bling. Every girl deserves it, no?

Have been wearing loads of gold & bronze accessories lately, so thought of going the silver way this time.
Had forgotten how much I liked the silver sparkle too. 

The sun was breathing fire during this shoot. 
An after-shoot cold coffee got me posing even more, now that I was fed and soothed. ;)

Wearing all my basic favorites. Something that every girl's closet must have.
 Black Jacket | Black Skirt | Black Peep Toes

Lovelies, also take part in the exciting Lakme CC Cream Giveaway.
Let's celebrate getting flawless skin in minutes. :)

Do connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. Hope to see you there.

I am on Instagram too. Having lot of fun with daily photos.
Do follow me there. 

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