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{ Power Woman Blogger's Fiesta }

Last week I was invited to a fun and empowering event organized by Phoenix Market City Kurla.The event was a celebration of womanhood and I along with few other bloggers had a great time at #PowerWomanBloggersFiesta.

There was a glam mini makeover by Inglot, L'occitane pampered us with a soothing hand massage and some rock & roll along with wine tasting at the HQ


Inglot is one of the most amazing make-up brands as I have already said in my previous blog about InglotI absolutely loved the look the artist gave me. 

L'occitane products come across as so very honest.
Their texture, light scent and efficiency makes them your skin's best friends. 

Also, this was my very first wine tasting and I am no expert in wines, but I sure did enjoy it. 
Learnt a lot about good wines & bad wines, the perfect combination for meals accompanying wine and the wine cocktails, the part I loved the most!!!

Turning Point, the young & zesty wine brand sure caught my fancy and I can't wait to cook a fancy dinner with this wine for my friends. (Right now I am just being too lazy.) 

Well it was a power packed evening at Phoenix Market City Kurla and meeting other bloggers was exciting too. More Power to Women. :)

Do connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. Hope to see you there.
I am on Instagram too. Having lot of fun with daily photos.

Do follow me there. 

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